Shoulder Assessments: What to Expect

Maybe you have felt your shoulder aching for months...years even.

Maybe you were recently out working in the yard or exercising and felt a sharp pain that has resulted in being unable to use your shoulder in the way you're used to.

Either way, you have a shoulder problem and have no idea what to expect when you come into Anniston Orthopaedic Associates for evaluation. It's not as intimidating as you may think. Surgery is not necessarily a guarantee, and there are plenty of ways to remedy shoulder pain that are not invasive, but you first must be assessed in the office to determine the appropriate course of action.

Accoring to Dr. Andrew Morris, "Ninety-five percent of the time, we can tell upon an exam what's going on, and we can direct you if more therapy is needed, or if we need imaging." The imaging Dr. Morris is referring to is an MRI, and unless you've suffered an acute injury, chances are good you'll be encouraged to use conservative treatment like anti-inflammatory medications or steroids to begin treatment.

If an MRI is needed, it will help our surgeons know the best "next steps" to take. Dr. Morris says that in an MRI, surgeons can "review the labrum, bicep tendon, AC joint, rotator cuff, cartiledge, and can tell (a patient) if we think you then need more time, more rehab, or if we recommend surgery."

The good news is, if surgery is needed, it's most often same-day, outpatient surgery.

If you're experiencing shoulder trouble, please give us a call for an assessment: 256-236-4121.


Anniston Orthopaedic Associates, P.A., is conveniently located in the Tyler Center on the campus of Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center.  Our office is on the third floorwith easy access to the parking deck attached to the north side of the building.

731 Leighton Avenue, Suite 300
Anniston, Alabama 36207

Phone: 256-236-4121
Fax: 256-237-5254

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