Labor Day is almost upon us, which means school has been in session for almost a full month. At this point, you're probably noticing your kids and grandkids "dragging" a bit more than they were a few weeks ago. After school activities have them worn out, sitting still in a desk for much of the day has them antsy, and dragging a giant backpack around isn't the easiest, either. You may have even noticed that your children are getting sick a little easier than they did this summer. So...what's a parent or grandparent to do?
Here are some tips for beating the Back to School Blues:
There are many kids who opt out of a locker or utilizing their desk storage space simply out of convenience. It's easier to have all your books, notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. within arms reach. But the truth is--it's not healthy. Backpacks should never weigh more than 15% of your child's body weight.
We know the temptation is to grab a cell phone first thing in the morning. For many of us (including our kids,) that phone is actually our alarm clock. But before the kids head out to school, make sure they take a minute to stretch their shoulders, wrists and back to get ready for the day. Another good idea is to ensure they have a protein-filled breakfast (and, in spite of what they might tell you, that excludes honey buns.) A quick dose of Vitamin C and/or a multivitamin will help get them off on the right foot for the school day.
Most of us move through our day at a pretty fast pace. We check things off our list and when all the boxes are checked, we move on to the next list. The phrase "mind over matter" is an expression used to remind us that our minds have a lot of power and can influence us to respond, rather than react. But our children often haven't honed that skill. As parents and grandparents, if we can transition from "mind over matter" to "your mind matters" we may discover that the load our kids were carrying wasn't just in their backpack--and we can help them "unload" simply by having a 10-minute conversation after school in the car, or at bedtime.
We can't stress this enough. Healing an injury? Hydrate. Playing a sport? Hydrate. Feel a cold coming on? Hydrate. Water is the best way to hydrate. While there is certainly a place for added electrolytes, most sports drinks contain a lot of sugar that is of little benefit to children. Make sure your child is drinking plenty of water each day.
If the Back to School Blues leave your child with an orthopaedic problem of any kind, we would love to help! Give us a call: 256-236-4121.
Anniston Orthopaedic Associates, P.A., is conveniently located in the Tyler Center on the campus of Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center. Our office is on the third floorwith easy access to the parking deck attached to the north side of the building.
731 Leighton Avenue, Suite 300
Anniston, Alabama 36207
Phone: 256-236-4121
Fax: 256-237-5254